Strategy Analytics

Data Analytics and Data Science for strategy projects

Our Services

We provide data analysis and statistical forecasting to support your strategic decisions.

Use Cases

Predictive Analytics

Predictive Analytics

Price and quantity forecasting based on statistical (time series analysis) and economic (supply and demand modelling).

CRM Analysis

B2B customer segmentation and prediction based on internal and external data.

Controlling mit Alteryx


Optimisation of production plants under technical and economic constraints (e.g. production costs, inventories).


Austrian Gas Flow Dashboard in Power BI

The Austrian Gas Flow Dashboard visualises the natural gas flows from neighbouring countries to Austria. The article describes the contents of the dashboard and the technical implementation in Microsoft Azure.

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Support with financial modelling, valuation, data analytics, Excel and Power BI.

Walecon e.U.
Gentzgasse 148/1/5
1180 Vienna

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